Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking for...Something

And I don't know what it is. I'll work out, and feel great...and when I get to the food I just keep thinking, "What does it matter, you gained, you worked so hard and you gained." It has almost been a week and I still can't stop thinking about this stupid gain in weight. Why is it I've lost almost 80 pounds, and all I can think of is a few pound gain?? I mean, I didn't think about gaining weight when I was gaining far more than just a few pounds. It is stupid, and I wish I could say I'm over it, but I'm not. I just feel like I need to wake up! And since I want to wake up all I want to do is go to the hopes that when I wake up I can move on.

Jeez, this just isn't that big of a deal. I need to get over it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Your very grumpy blogger,


  1. I can honestly say I have had those days as well. We do sooo well and one little gain makes us totally blind to what we have accomplished. But we are human and stress, etc in our lives will wreck havoc on our bodies. We just have to KEEP ON pushing and know that we ARENT quitters.......look how far you have come! Hoping you feel better!

  2. I'm sure you already know this, so just chalk it up to a reminder: our bodies are about 70% water. So if you ate a bunch of stuff high in sodium, and didn't drink enough water to flush that out, sure you would easily gain 4 lbs.

    But it's not 4 lbs of fat. IT'S 4 POUNDS OF WATER. No biggee, and it's temporary. I have a feeling next weeks weigh in will be a doozy!

    Just keep doing the ACTIONS that you know are healthy, in spite of how you feel. You will be glad you did!

  3. I'm addicted to gratification. When things aren't consistently moving forward, its the little setbacks, mental or otherwise, that loom largest.

    Do anything, and I mean anything, to change up your routine in a way that gives you a new spark to focus on...something that gratifys in a healthy way.

  4. Yes, you need to get over this.

    You can do it!

    You are stronger than you think.
