Sunday, January 10, 2010

No Excuses and moving on...

So, yesterday wasn't so great. I didn't exercise and I didn't stay at my 1500 calorie goal. I pretty much maintained. I ALSO didn't post on my blog!! [Insert ominous scary music here, throw in a bit of screaming too.]

Here are my list of excuses that aren't really excuses because there are no excuses when it is all a choice. I challenge you to read it aloud without taking a single breath.

Deep breath.....

Friday night I went to bed nice and early at 7p.m. and my husband came and woke me up at 11p.m., totally disturbing my sleep schedule, and that is when I wrote my last post, which I kinda hoped was posted after midnight so it could count as yesterday's post, but it wasn't, and then I avoided this blog like the plague yesterday because I didn't do any exercise, because my 5K that I have been training for was cancelled, because of the cold and lack of interest, because Texans apparently don't have balls to run outside when it is under 20 degrees, and then I was in the really nasty mood and yelled at my husband at wal-mart, even though I should have known not to allow him to go shopping with me, because we never get along, and then I felt pissy because I was behaving all emotionally, and just wanted to eat, and then I went to this scrapbooking meeting for the first time where I actually had tons of fun, but also where there was queso and drinks, none of which were diet, so I just said screw it and had probably 3 servings of queso and two un-diet sodas and a margarita, and after that I came home and made a homemade cheese pizza that usually is pretty healthy, but not when you eat half of the whole pizza, and then I went to bed even though I had my gym clothes in my car, ready to go, just waiting for me.

Breathe people breathe!!

If you made it through that in a single breath I think you set a new record. Quick! Call Guiness! If not, don't feel bad. I didn't either, which means that list of excuses is

..............completely and utterly bogus!

And that is okay, because I am letting them and yesterday go into the archives. Today is a new day and I'm treating it like one!

8:00 a.m. today I am meeting Helen at the gym (the girl who is doing the triathlon with me in May) and we are gonna bust our butts doing some swimming and biking. After that I might meet Sam to do some jogging at a park. Today's gonna be a good day!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Know why I'm sure you are going to make it to any goals you set? Not because you are perfect, not because you will never stumble, not because you will never make less than stellar choices...

    But because you GET IT. You know it's all about choices. You own yours. And you know how to let it be "archived" (love that) and go ON.
    Great Job!
