Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back w/a Vingeance!!

So today was, in one word, AWESOME!

This morning I got up at 8:00 a.m. and met Helen at 24 Hour Fitness (yes, I rejoined in order to train for the Triathlon.) We had a great bike ride on the stationary bikes. I set the program to 'Random Hills', because the Triathlon we are doing is going to be in Austin, Texas. It is very hilly there. We rode for 30 minutes, plus a few minutes of cool down. I went 10.5 miles and it felt great! I have never had that good of a workout on a stationary bike (besides spinning of course). I think one reason it felt so great is Helen and I talked the whole time and the time flew by.

Then we decided to tackle the swimming. Did I mention Helen used to be a competitive swimmer? Wow, she was amazing! I have to give myself props. We swam for about 30 minutes and I did 12 laps. I stopped for a minute breather a couple of times, but it was a pretty constant workout.

I've really got to work on my breathing so far as swimming goes. I've never been one to use my nose for breathing. I'm what you'd call a mouth breather. But, in swimming it is essential that you keep your head in the water and breathe out through your nose, then come up and take a breathe through your mouth. I kind of got it today, but I'm going to keep working on it. Helen said she thought I'd do pretty well if I got the breathing down. And coming from her, that was a pretty big complement.

We got in the hot tub for a bit, and that was nice. Then I headed out and met Sam at the park. We walked for 2.5 miles.

So yeh, working out was great today. That is why I'm typing my post tonight, because I'm going to get up early and go to the gym in the morning. I don't know if I'll have a lot of time to post in the morning.

Okay, getting kinda sleepy. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting post tomorrow :) Everyone have a great night, and let's make this week a good one!


  1. great JOb on the swimming. I must have somehow missed out on following or something cause you aren't on my blog roll...time to remedy that.
    How goofy to give you a shout out and not be having you on my blog roll.

  2. I'm glad to read that you are back on track! Oh and p.s. you might be interested to know that I'm doing a weeklong fast (not for health reasons) but I just thought it was fitting as in you posted about the subject a few days ago!

  3. Damn women, way to take charge after the day before (by the way that post made me laugh).

    I nominated you for a very prestigous award on my blog today... :)

  4. Hi - new to your blog... came through Melting Candy. :) You really did great today, congratulations!!
